
Technology Online Quiz Results

My class just concluded our online quiz on technology and ecology. The scores will be posted on the class dropbox.com location. The answers are as follows:

1.) Which is not an output of a process? Materials

2.) Which has the lowest greenhouse gas emissions? Its the cheesecake from Sugarhouse in Sta. Rosa, Laguna. Why? The one purchased from Mark's and Spencer, Greenbelt was flown in from London. The one from the Cheesecake Factory and Davao was the same thing. Sugarhouse likely baked their cake in Metro Manila thus making it the only cheese cake not to have flown in an airplane.

3.) How many grams Pb in tertiary consumer? 7500g because of biomagnification. 75g x 10 primary consumers per secondary x 10 secondary consumers per tertiary = 7500g

4.) Lowest energy consumption (in Manufacturing)? Plastic packaging. Bottles require higher energy because of the shaping process involved. Glass requires higher heat than plastic.

5.) Lowest waste? Glass bottles because they can be recycled


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