
Renewable Energy and PGMA's SONA

It was pleasing to hear President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo mention the renewable energy bill in her state of the nation address. This measure has been in congress since 1988. It has recently passed the house of representatives and will be deliberated in the senate floor next week. The legislation aims to give incentives for RE such as net-metering, green energy option, portfolio standards and the like. The Philippines is the 2nd largest producer of geothermal steam, has about 77600 MW wind potential, 0.5kW/m2 of solar energy and much more RE! We hope RE will be the main source of energy for the country.

I'm back

Been busy for months...Today, I concluded my career in WWF. I now move on to actively support SWITCH, a multi-sectoral movement to drive Philippine society towards sustainable energy. I run SWITCH efforts on participative planning. On the side, I will be doing energy consultancy and audit work. I'll be writing more in the next few days.

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