
Final Grades

I have just completed the final grades of my NATSCA2 class. I considered the scores of the final project components as bonus exercises. This means that on top of the scores I gave for the final project, I treated the AVP, brochure and website as 3 separate bonus exercises. This was done in appreciation for all the hard work my students have done during this term.

Inspite of this, I regret the fact that two active students have failed. 10775854 was active during the first half of the term but seemed to have dropped out during the latter part. He got only 43% for his final grade. 10662111 tried to do the work during the latter half of the term but was handicapped by his absence during the midterm exam. He was asked to present a document to prove his sickness during the exam so a special exam could be given. He never did so. In the end, he only garnered a final grade of 56.5%, 13.5% short of the passing grade. Too bad because this student did very well in his finals.
Grades can be viewed in the grades folder of the class dropbox location.


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