
URGENT: Field Trip Attendee Info Needed

Uploaded a list of attendees in the class dropbox location. Pls check if the info is correct. I also need an update on who has paid as well as who has had their waiver signed. Please do so ASAP.

So far these are the people who have indicated their intent to join. A total of 14 people all in all.

Adrao, Angelo
Barretto, Alana
Bitalac, Jane
Calapine, Quinn
Calayan, Justine Rae C.
Garcia, John Paolo C.
Hernandez, Donn
Juan, Beatrix Marguerita
Mendietta, Joaquin
Mercader, Princess Dawns
Ong, Carl Williamson
Reyes, Robert Michael
Tan, Hardy
Valeriano, Maria Beanca


Unknown said...

hey sir did you get my email about the groupings and the request of the extension for this friday's deadline? please get back to me when you have the time! thanks =]

-lily mae cua

Rean Tirol said...

Ms Cua,
Try to make the Friday deadline. I put some contact info for the other members of the class. Its in the dropbox, field trip folder.


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